Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Color Festival 2015

This was my 3rd year going to the Color Festival.  There is just something about throwing colored corn starch as strangers.  Haha I went with Randi for the 2nd year in a row and we had a blast.  My face got extra covered this year which was really weird. It was a beautiful day and just a nice break from school!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

I want s'more fun.

Trying out the Cockatoo look.
I got to go home this last weekend to go to Aldin's farewell. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures with him cause I'm lame but it was such a great weekend. On Friday and Saturday I got to hang out with my 4 wonderful siblings and my lovely Mama. One night, we made S'mores using the firepit Kyle's friend Alex's family got us for Christmas.  Seriously one of the best presents ever! Another night we spent playing Skipbo. My mom proved her love to me by making her delicious potato salad and we caught up on our favorite TV shows together.  Sunday we went to Aldin's farewell. He gave a great talk and then we had a get together at their house. I love living near cousins! They are so much fun.  That night we all got together and played a game of capture the flag in the church parking lot and then some other board games. That's my kind of party! It's always hard coming back to school after such a great weekend home but the end of the semester is quickly approaching and I have some fun filled next couple of weeks. Life is good, my friends.

Connor showing Max some brotherly love!
Keeping us laughing. Always. 

SO happy to have a sister.

Classic teenager, too cool to play with us. 
A dang good s'more and the Avs game.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

π day!


Pi = 3.1415926535...

I love pi day. I'm not really sure why besides the fact that I really like math and pie. Seeing as this year was ultimate pi day, I couldn't not celebrate.  Milly and I went to Village Inn and had some of their ever delicious pies.  Milly mentioned that I should have gone all out with pot pie and shepards pie and some kind of breakfast pie, but I was a slacker and didn't put in that much effort or planning. Next year though!! 

Featuring Blackberry Pie

Featuring Lemon Pie

Monday, March 9, 2015

Crème brûlée Fail.

The other night Milly and I decided to have a dessert break. I can't remember if we were actually studying or not, we go back and forth between the two haha but either way, we needed dessert.  We contemplated a bunch of places and finally decided on Zupa's because we had seen their fancy looking Creme Brulee desserts. We arrived and bought two different kinds, and seeing as we have never had actual Creme Brulee,we didn't know what to expect. This however, was not creme brulee.  It was basically just thick pudding. But it looked fancy. And now we know better for next time.