Monday, June 2, 2014


I was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming and growing up in Utah I always thought it was awesome. Unlike most people, I could say, "I was born in a different state. Wyoming!" It was just cool to be different. Then on my 14th birthday we moved to Rock Springs. I was pretty disappointed. Sure I'd be close to my cousins and they were awesome but I was in the middle of my 8th grade year and that's a tough time to leave your friends behind and make new ones. The whole second semester of 8th grade, when I was in Wyoming, I didn't make any effort to make any friends. I hung out with my cousin and that was good enough for me. When I entered high school and my cousin was still in junior high, I had no idea what I was going to do.  Basically, I made friends and ended up surviving. Moving to Rock Springs ended up being the best and I couldn't imagine anything else. I made the best friends, had the best times and JaNae is now practically my sister. 

Sorry, long tangent for me to share this.  I saw my friend had taken this quiz and gotten close to where she was from so I thought I'd give it a try. Where was it going to say I was from this time? These things are always wrong. Who even puts Wyoming as a result?! I thought it was super awesome though and basically I miss Wyoming every day. 

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