Saturday, April 5, 2014


Thursday night, when I should have been studying for my physiology test, Aubs and I decided spur of the moment to go to the premiere of Winter Soldier.  I could write a whole post on how much I love Captain America but I won't.  Instead I'll just say that the movie was great.  So much better than the first and probably my favorite Marvel movie yet.  I'm excited for all the rest to come out.  

 Also, since we decided so last minute we were worried that we wouldn't be able to find good seats.  Luckily we got two together and went in.  There wasn't anyone in our row yet but soon enough a freaking army of children walked down our row.  I think all the adults were behind them but it was just funny cause I felt like I got stuck at the kid's table at Thanksgiving.  So this picture below is us trying to capture the children while pretending not to be creeps......hahaha
Also, if you're one of those people that claps during and after a movie, I dislike you very much.

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